Umsatzsteuererstattungen Malta
    Umsatzsteuererstattungen Malta

    VAT refunds from Malta

    Name of sales tax

    Maltese VAT is referred to as value added tax (VAT) .

    Value of turnover tax rates:

    The standard rate of Maltese VAT is 18%. In addition, reduced rates are 7% and 5%.

    Permitted refund periods

    The refund period for VAT refunds from Malta must be at least 3 months within one calendar year and 12 months maximum (= one calendar year) .

    Minimum Amount requested

    For applications with a refund period of at least 3 months, a minimum amount of 400 € applies. For applications whose refund period is one calendar year, a minimum of 50 € applies.

    Address of the competent tax authority in the country of reimbursement

    VAT Department Malta
    Centre Point Building
    Triq Ta' Paris,
    Birkirkara BKR 4633


    Tel: +356 2149 9330 4
               +356 2156 0481
               +256 8007 4404
    E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    To VAT refund from Malta

    Place Order

    Reimbursement of individual business transactions / expenses:<

    Costs/ Reimbursement for reimbursement
    Fairs and Exhibitions 100%
    Conferences 100%
    Hotel accomodation 100%
    Catering / Restaurant 100% (1)
    Entertainment, Presents 0%
    Anschaffung von Fahrzeugen 0% (2)
    Diesel 0% (3)
    Petrol 0% (4)
    Vehicle repair 0% (5)
    Rent of vehicles 0% (6)
    Taxi 0% (7)
    Bus / Train 100%
    Phone / Fax 100%
    Road fees /toll --
    Marketing 100%
    Consultants 100%
    Legal expenses 100%
    Education/ Training 100%
    (1) tobacco and alcohol non-refundable
    (2) no refund for cars (less than 7 seats)
    (3) no refund for cars (less than 7 seats)
    (4) no refund for cars (less than 7 seats)
    (5) no refund for cars (less than 7 seats)
    (6) no refund for cars (less than 7 seats)
    (7) no refund for cars (less than 7 seats)

    General note: Please note that the information, in particular with regard to the deductibility and reimbursement of the various business transactions / expenses, is not exhaustive and should only serve as a guide. Whether a reimbursement claim exists can only be answered by an examination in individual cases.

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